
A blog for bargain hunters and penny pinchers alike! It is possible to look chic & trendy on a budget and help our communities all at the same time ~ the answer lies in thrifting!

This blog showcases some of my favourite finds and will hopefully inspire readers like yourself to explore vintage shops and thrift stores near you and uncover amazingly affordable deals just waiting to be found!

Thrifting is a wonderful hobby for the creatively-inclined individual who loves taking old pieces and creating something totally new. Thrift stores are a cheap and inexpensive way for seamstresses-in-training or recreational designers, like myself, to practice altering garments and tailoring clothing, or recycling clothing by creating completely new pieces all together!

Don't have a passion for fashion? Thrift stores have a little something for everyone ~ books, electronics, home decor... anything you name can probably be found in a thrift store some where or another.

Thrift stores also provide an outlet for people like us to help our communities! Each time we make an initiative to donate and give back to our thrift stores we are helping to support local businesses and non-profit organizations such as The Salvation Army. For more information on how to help and where to donate - visit: http://www.thriftstore.ca/central-ontario/donating-goods

So get out there and explore, and leave your expectations at the door!

Don't forget... to find good stuff, you have to donate good stuff!
Just a lil' thing called karma!

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